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Improving Lifespan Through Cellular Health

Kalin Health is developing a patent pending supplement that drives autophagy, improving quality of life and healthspan.

Our formula’s key ingredient, spermidine, has been shown to improve autophagy in a number of scientific studies and is the subject of our first clinical trial.

Normal Spermidine Levels
Graph showing a normal person's spermidine levels declining with age.

As people age, the level of spermidine in the body decreases.

Centenarian Spermidine Levels
Graph showing a centenarian's spermidine levels remaining high in comparison to a normal person's spermidine levels declining with age.

However, centenarians maintain high levels of spermidine in their bodies.

These studies have also drawn strong correlations between autophagy, healthspanlongevity.


The body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells.


A person’s healthy years, free of preventable chronic disease.


The duration of life beyond the norm.

Kalin Health’s Proactive Approach to Aging

Kalin Health’s proactive approach is aimed at improving individuals health and prospects for a long-lasting life.

In developed countries, people get one or more chronic diseases earlier than prior generations. By taking our product, individuals may prevent the early on-set of these diseases.

In early clinical trials, our product has been shown to improve inflammation, immunity, CBD risk, and diabetes risk levels. All of which have a dramatic effect on mortality risk.

The current approach to aging addresses issues as they occur.

Kalin Health’s proactive approach improves quality of life & lifespan.

Better Health, Longer Life.

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    Check back soon for more info and our latest clinical trial results.